Monday, 29 November 2010

hantu ubd BY cicak boy

It is revision week, exam makin hampir so everyone is busy studying. this one girl stayed back late to study. it was seven pm and she is alone, di tingkat 2 library ubd. she wants to continue a bit longer but terdengar bunyi troli buku. ia liat dari anak mata saja sebab luan concentrate with her study atu and saw that it was her 'friend'. ia sambung balik belajar dan tanpa menolah bertanya pada kawannya ani,
"alum balik?"
"belum", jawab si 'kawan'
one of the girl's book fell and she bend down to get it. udah dibawah atu ternampak tia 'kawan'nya ani inda berkaki. faham-fahamlah ia. cepat-cepat ia kemaskan barang kan balik, siapa jua inda takut.
"kan balik sudah?" tiba- tiba tanya si 'kawan' ani.
'awu, ngalih ku' jawabnya dengan nada ketakutan.
'kawan'nya pun berkata dengan nada yg nakal. terbayang senyuman ketika ia mengatakan.....
"ngalihkah atau tau udh?"
the girl pengsan and demam untuk beberapa hari. tidak lagi ia belajar sorang-sorang lebih-lebih lagi di labrary.
the end. :)

Sunday, 14 November 2010

“Black and white texture” by Ymmik

Story by: Ymmik Hamid (Hakim).
Place happened: High school, the only high school in KB that has Sixth form education.

This is my first post. This is a true story that I might not forget for my entire life. It’s a long paragraph but I give every detail I could as possible. Enjoy.

I still remember it was in 2007, FRIDAY at 6.30+ AM. NOBODY AT SCHOOL YET but ONLY ME, cats, dogs and ghost. The security is lazy, open everything that has gate and went back home before 6. Everybody knows that. Back then I was very punctual about school time and usually arrive about 6.30 AM although my house is less than 2km form the school but the school is still silent, Friday though. Even the cleaner is still sleeping. Alright back to the story, I was still in High school sitting for my fifth form. The school is actually closed for student on Friday except for extra classes, but it was due to computer coursework that makes me to come to school at this time.

It happened at the first floor. As usual, while waiting for my teacher and friends arrive (usually at 8 AM), The room key is with her and I always like to have a walk around the first floor from one end to the other end which skip like around 5-7 classes plus the lab, over and over again. It was like a routine. The left most is the staircase which connects every floors and to the administration block, next to the staircase was the staff room and the computer lab followed. I’ve heard some havereported to have sight a strangely creature walking at the first floor but I just ignore that and make a practical jokes with them that the one they saw is nothing but me.

Okay then, after 10-50 minutes walking, I stop. I feel like someone’s watching on my way. I just ignore it. I continue to walk again and this time I make a further walk to the staffroom next to the staircase. You may know that every class has its windows so everyone’s outside that walks can see clearly what’s inside every rooms. So was I. I just pass the visibly-dark staffroom because only the outside windows lighten the room. The staffroom has its windows at both sides. Okay back to where it is, I started to feel like someone’s watching from the inside (staffroom). Whatever, I just ignore it and continue to walk to the other way end and turn back around and walk past that staffroom windows again. Kuai lintas bah aku masa tu. This time, I reach the staffroom windows. My ears and neck feels warm and my ‘bulu roma’ starts to rise. I know there must be something inside the staffroom that makes me feel uncomfortable.

I was that time a bit of scare and a bit of bravely so I mind to scope on one of the staffroom window because it has no curtain. I do scoping like you know, looking at the window with both hands attach the window while covering the eyes sides. Like this ( 0 . 0 ). At moment like this, you will see nothing but the interior of the staffroom. I look left and right, I see nothing but it was like a sudden glimpse from my eyes and clearly shows like what was referred to be black and white textures or to be known as a creature with long black hair and white cloth, appears AT THE CORNER OF THE STAFFROOM, (nya urg kitani, inda semana mana, ada tia).

The bad thing is I can draw out its face by words. You might not want to know this but I tell you, It looks like flat-black heads with hair that only covers and pointed dots at upper side, reddish; which might referred to as its eyes. As well as it sounds. It fades and more sounds like woman crying, but slightly low down like you hear people talking 7 meters from where you stood. It was like ‘Shazaaaaaaam…! Appear in action’. What the hell. I am scared!

The first word comes inside my mind is Auzubillahi Minassyaitan Nirrajim (Ya Allah Lindungilah aku daripada syaitan yang di rejam). I can’t think of any Qur’an recites anymore and runs back to the staircase and went back to the ground floor. Thanks for the staircase which is just next to the staffroom and a way to administration block. I ran so far from the block and decide not to go back home but instead wait for my teacher in front of the mp hall, she always park her car here. Luckily she was just arrived, pulled off her car key and about to move on. After seeing her, I lost my frighten. But continues to read prays, the Ayatul Qursi. I didn’t tell neither her and friends about this, afraid of them being scared because this place is not abandoned, very close to people activity and almost all the time as a way for students and teachers for their way to computer lab and it’s another way to the admin block.

Another bad thing is my teacher use that way again when she hit the first floor and I’m with her! That’s too bad but Alhamdulillah, my friend just come along (they used the other way which is an alternate way, long though) just after my teacher open the door lock and I continue my coursework until 11.30 AM with other friends. This is one of the worst cases of ghost sighting in my life. Wasalam.

Rumah Sewa - Zeezohan

Cerita ani lama sudah inda pulang seram bnr. Our family had to moved to a rented bungalow for a while. I think we're the only muslim fam...