Thursday 10 February 2011

DUET by Cicak Boy

hey y'all, it's me again cicakboy. i've noticed that in my stories i have alot of spelling errors. i write my stories on the spot and i didn't have the intention span to check my story. XP just bare with the typos apa.
this incident happen on chinese new year morning. me and my two other buddies were at a famous hiking site. just us boys. kami di sana around 7 am and half way done at 7.40 am. since my other two friends 1st time hiking at this place i was at the back, so that i could watch over them incase ada tertinggal. its been awhile since i last hike there jua so kami tiga2 semput.
i am to a certain degree is gifted with supernatural senses and boy did my sensor went of being at the back of the group but as most of u guys know udah, better ignore it. kita tak kacau ia, ia tak kacau kita. i think i was the only 1 feeling the stalker's presence. at first yes it was disturbing but i manage to ignore it as it seem to ikut hiking saja. but something did happen, mun inda, inda tia i crita disini heheh.
we came to a checkpoint where ada kerusi but we just moved on. i was singing 'gerimis di lautan' by sudirman. (i like sudirman's songs).
me: (dengan sumbangnya menyanyi) "gerimis di lautan, mendayung sampan ke kuala, mendayung sampan ke kuala, pada rembulan pungguk merayu"
friend A: aku hairanlah, kenapa orang yang sumbang sja yang selalu menyanyi?
friend B: biarlah, inda jua sunyi banar kita hiking ani.
me: ignoring my friend's sindiran continue singing," menangis kesiangan....."
suara lembut dari belakang: menanggung rindu pada si dia.... menaggung rindu pada si dia.....
my friends and i turn around simultaneously, afraid. we saw a girl in white sitting on the bench arah checkpoint a2, alone. rambutnya panjang menutup muka memandang ke sisi. we all know very well who or what that is. jaraknya kira2 sembilan ke sepuluh langkah dari kami.
friend A: kamu nampak apa aku nampak?
i think friend B replied half choking, half gulping. i have this bright idea and continue singing. "apalah guna kebendang, padi seberang takkan menjadi..." i was singing in a very low tone almost whispering and ten steps is usually outside the hearing range of humans. but she obviously heard it and we saw her lips moved and more surprising, we all heard her voice, " apa guna hatinya orang, kasihnya orang orang tak sudi...." and maybe its my imagination but i saw a smile formed on those singing lips.
we did any normal people would do, we ran. finished the rest of the track in record time i might add. it may be awhile before we use taht track or even go hiking at that place again in a while.
moral of the story: ghost likes sudirman jua. XP

Yetah jangan setaie by Brunei Girl

Hi again. Sorry, I've been busy :|

Anyway, I would like to share some 'kisah teladan'-s haha.

So this one's according to a relative of mine, let's call her 'K' who used to be able to 'see'. In one of my previous posts, I explained the theories one of my IRK teachers discussed about the ability to 'see' beings from the other realm. So, K would be one of those people who might have inherited a certain 'friend' from one of our ancestors thus granting her the ability to see. However as I also mentioned in said post, K had lost her ability when she reached a certain age and sort of start sembahyang thus the 'friend' inda lagi attached to her lah.

Anyway, so this was a time when she still had this ability.

So, remember Hami? The incorrigible cousin who asked Suze whether she could see the Ponti smiling at them through the window from a previous post? Yeah, this is a story about him. Ia setaie. Again.

Right, so this was again at my Nini's house and it might have been another 'ngaji' night or a family gathering, whichever. K was watching TV in the common area upstairs, minding her own business. This was when she heard the kids (they're teens now but whatever) fussing in front of my Nini's door. By the time K told me this story, I knew where it was going as she had previously shared her own experience of what she 'met' in that room.

Basically, one night. Our grandma suruh panggil our nini right and K went and walked into the room. She saw our nini praying... only to realise after a while that it wasn't our nini. It was just a 'being' praying on my nini's mat. K decided that it was harmless as she only noticed this being to only do that in that room. Just sembahyang on my nini's mat.

Back to the main story.

So the kids were sibuk2 right. And K realised that one of the kids, let's call him P, was quite upset. All K could make out of his speech was;

"Tu...tu.. dalam bilik nini ah" he repeated over and over, near to tears.

K didn't really do anything about it. Perhaps P was just freaked out that he saw something. I've heard P's mum mention about P and his older brother 'spotting' things since they were younger so it wasn't news to me. I think there's a variation in tolerance for people with these things. Like K, she used to have sort of an immunity to it. But after ia sembahyang sudah apa, she lost that ability & I realise when she returned for summer holidays, even she was freaked out a few times mun 'teliat' or 'tedangar' stuff since her room was empty all the while she was away to study dulu.

Sorry, digressing saja.

So, P was clearly upset.

And in comes Hami, his chest puffed up, a setaie (then) 12 year old, looking down at P,

"MANA? MANA?" nya si Hami, tagapkan nya lagi badannya tu, looking down at P. The little boy, rubbing his eyes, pointed to my Nini's room.

K described how Hami was even strutting into that room, followed by a trail of kids.

He came back out. Quiet. And pale.

K had a good laugh hehe. Whatever that Hami had seen, clearly drove the setaie out of him. K shared this story with the lesson that we shouldn't be sombong about these things. Banar jua tu, akhirnya Allah s.w.t. jua saja yang Maha berkuasa inda ja?

Another one. Short lah, I don't want to waste people's time.

So my Bibi told me the story which has the same 'teladan' as it were haha.

This should eradicate a misconception everybody has about Ramadan. Did you know, during the holy month of Ramadan, yang kana chain up and thrown into the depths of the sea atu, are the setans? Of course, of course. People are aware of this. But what ppl have persisted to believe is that this includes Djins. No. This is wrong.

Even in surah An-nas, in the last verse, indicates how we are on the same page. In that we are created to worship God. It is just that humans always seek the help of Djins and Devils (HUGEEE sin btw) that we merge these two beings into one-which creates confusion. There is also surah Al-Jinn indicating that the same benefits lay on the other side for those among their kind who believe in the right path. Like humans, there are good djins and there are bad ones. But either way, we should avoid associating ourselves with their kind as interaction between the two realms might lead each kind astray. Wallahua'lam.

Anyway. The story goes like this.

My Bibi was indignant on going to the surau to sembahyang magrib there right after sungkai. Her mother cakap, sembahyang magrib di rumah saja and then she can go Isya and subsequently terawih afterwards in the surau. Well, I think my bibi's mom had a point. Neither of them are wrong here but what my bibi's mom suggested was much more convenient and my bibi could still terawih eventually that night. Besides, practicing religion should not be a burden.

But yetahkan, my bibi was setaie. She tacitly agreed jua that when she told us this story.

So in this quest of setaie-ness, she dragged her younger sister along.

Off they went in twilight, walking in the dimming day on a barren road to the surau. Along this path, was a big tree. I think, I thinkkk it's what our folks call 'pokok ara-ara'? Very spooky looking tree that literally looks like a candid capture of a heavy metal head in the middle of a serious head banging session. Of course me being weird, secretly find this pokok sort of lawa.

So anyway. Bibi was walking to the surau when something literally jumped into view and stood before her.

My bibi was dead shocked.

The creature, tinggi, with an indescribably ugly face, stared her down. She froze. Gila, I honestly would've wet myself 'cause the way she described it to, writing this myself, I have goosebumps. The being was massive, betaring, rambutnya kusut and it was just staring my bibi down. Nya my bibi, she literally couldn't move then. Because one, that thing was in front of her and two, she just couldn't. What freaked me out most was that it was just her and her lil sister. Two girls with no one else around on that barren road.

Mcm O_O

And she told us that adiknya, perhaps not having seen what she saw, froze too. They held hands and bibi wouldn't let her go. And since they were near that tree, unlike me, the adik didn't take a while to do the math. She knew that my bibi was looking at something and that something was in their way.

I am not quite clear what happened next.

But my bibi knew better than to go out for a stroll during twilight.

Assalamualaikum :)

THE NEW BUILDING by cicak boy

before i start my story, i have been talking with my seniors about this blog and an advice came to me that i havn't been doing. it just occured to me that using any location's names is bad for its publicity and using it in a story such as ghost stories is just giving it a bad name. so to clearify things up, all the previous names i've used before is just for scenary purposes. wheather it's real or not; i leave for you to decide. i also apologize to the owners of the places so don't sue me! DX heheh. another lesson thought in life. anyway, lets get the story started.
this story takes place at sekolah..... umm..... 1 of the top private schools. aparently they had an extra building that was left alone 4 more than 5 years and was only put to use recently. tau2 lah mun dah building batah inda bepakai, mesti ada penghuni kan? here's the thing, they started using the building without any doa or yassin or whatever. ustaznya holiday kali masih.
the 1st incident happen to a little girl that is in darjah 4 or year 4 the new system call it. at first the lesson was going on like normal, teacher syok sendiri mengajar di depan, students senyum2 buat2 faham. then this girl, ira (bukan nama sebenar), suddenly looks pale, sweating, closing her ears. the teacher thought ira is just being a regular student, trying to distract herself from boredom. it was history class, what do you expect. XP anyway the teacher continued the lesson while keeping an eye on ira. she now started weeping. then saying "diam.....diam" and not long she sat on the floor, both ears closed, eyes squint and start screaming. then you know the drill, everyone panicked, teacher call for backup, medics came. everything under control. when ira came through she was ask what happened. " ira dengar ada banyak orang panggil nama ira, bising, semua keliling ira and panggil nama ira kuat-kuat tapi ira inda nampak orang"
the 2nd incident happen to one of the teachers. the next day after the 1st incident. the teachers were at their staffroom doing their own thing. one teacher suddenly heard ada orang baca surah dan ayat lazim Al-Quran. she thought its the radio coz it sounded loud but distant and coming from a corner behind another teacher. after an hour or so, the bacaan stop. "knapa ditutup radio ah? kan bisai udah bacaan ayat2 lazim a2?" the other teachers looked at her.
"radio apa kebenda nya ni?"
the teacher thought her friends main2 kan ia so she insisted further, " yang ada channel bacaan surah2 a2"
"mana ada, dari tadi sunyi jua sja"
the teacher get up to the corner to see for herself. no radio.
she sat back, shocked. ran out of the staffroom to see both clases next door. empty.
went back to her seat. shocked.
3rd scenario. basically the guard chase after someone who dissapear at a dead end. malas kan cerita udah. the next day the whole school did that yassin thing to purify the ground.
this story is not that scary, and its not the reason i shared it with you guys. i wrote this to show that all this can be avoided if the bacaan was done early. prevention is better than cure.
ill scare you guys next time. XD

Rumah Sewa - Zeezohan

Cerita ani lama sudah inda pulang seram bnr. Our family had to moved to a rented bungalow for a while. I think we're the only muslim fam...