Thursday, 12 May 2011

Si katuk BY Brunei girl

Salam :)
Eh, kamu pernah sadar kah? Kalau baru2 pindah ke rumah baru, macam ada2 saja terjadi? Maybe kalau kan di explain logically, we can say sebab ketani balum adjust arah kawasan atu, yetah lain rasanya. Tapi kadang2 kan, ada tia jua 'happenings' ani yang kan di explain dari mana2 angle pun, inda dapat ketani elak realitinya.

Dulu, masa kami baru pindah to this banglo, aku ingat a few things yang kerap berlaku.

Aku atu, baca komik dalam bilik mamaku sorang2. And after I was bored, aku keluar kan, kali ada tia my aunty ani (as in my mum punya cousin) tarus2 keluar dari bilik tamu. Muanya pucat,
"Ada orang katuk2 tabuk ah!"
She was saying to the ppl at the dining room.
Semua orang diam. Almaklum, it was quite late. Macam marijap jua.
Ia mcm hysterical sikit time atu, and ia lagi anu jenis relek, so of course we took her seriously. Kali my dad bawa my abang keluar, meliat mun ada banar orang capi2 di taman kami malam atu.
After a few minutes, durang datang balik and then, nada jelama.
"Banar! BANAR! Ada tadi!" nya my Aunty tapi after a while ia calm down sebab ia inda mau riuh jua.
Sebenarnya, time2 atu, mau dijadikan cerita pulang tu amongst kami adi-beradi. Especially me, sebab, if ada tah banar orang kan capi2 mengatuk2 tabuk malam2, alang-alang ia mengatuk tabuk bilik mamaku masa aku baca komik tadi. Tapi my parents jenisnya yang inda mau encourage membasar-basari barang2 cemani ani. Jadi kami semua diam2 saja. Until a few days pass and kami inda lagi ingat peristiwa ani.
One night, entah kenapa aku ani duduk dapan pintu bilik tamu. Dalam bilik tamu atu my adik dua orang, si Suze sama si Wan. Tangah malam sudah, tapi it was cuti jadi durang liat TV.
Kali masa aku duduk2 atu, aku dangar bunyi barang pacah. Nyaring banar, jadi aku toleh kebelakang, aku takut frame gambar belakang ani tegugur. Yang calinya, nada papa. Aku ani in the middle of looking for barang pacah atu kali adi-adiku ani belari arah ku, sorang2 pucat.
"Ka Elle ka Elle! ADA LAGI AH!" nya si Wan, arah ku, "Ada katuk2 lagi!"
Meliat mua durang pucat atu sudah ku tungkal, apa lagi masa ku dangar cakapnya atu.
"Bah bah lajutah masuk bilik babu!" nya ku, trying to be cool lah, mun aku pun freak out, menangis karang jadinya.
Jadi durang bagitau my mum. Mamaku mcm half awake masa atu so ia mcm "Ah baru kamu tau, pasal kamu akhir tidur tu!"
Jadi si Suze sama si Wan tarus tidur.
Malar si Katuk atu mengacau, ingat ku tu. Aku pun kana sekali, lagi bisai, masa aku duduk bawah tabuk atu jua.
Masa atu, barutah ku paham kenapa everyone mcm mental when it happens.
Aku atu liat TV sama adi2 ku.
It was at night, again. Very late.
Kali tabuk atu kana katuk mcm apa. Marijap. Macam, pernah kamu dangar burung melanggar dinding/pintu? (It happens ok) Yetah bunyinya tu. Tapi balik2! Mcm kan di pacah jua tabuk atu usulnya.
Sama jua macam masa kami baru pindah di rumah kami masa ani.
Kan aku sama sisters ku rapat. So sometimes sleepover arah bilik masing2.
Entah kenapa that night, aku ani tebangun tiba2.
Kali, ada orang mengatuk tabuk ku.
Tuk, tuk, tuk, halus ia mengatuk.
"Pssst~" nya jelama atu.
"Elle." Bisik kaka ku, yang baru ku sadar bangun jua masa atu.
"I know" ganya balas ku.
Lapastu kami diam sampai dua2 tertidur balik. Inda kami ungkit lagi kisah ani arah each other lapas malam atu.
Like the old house, after a while, si katuk inda lagi menjelma Allahamdullilah. Entah...mungkin ia atu kan cuba masuk tapi inda dapat? Wallahualam. Allah Maha mengetahui.

Assalamualaikum :)

BY iKen

It's been a while since i shared my experiences.. I think, between this and the last story, it was almost 1 year apart.. and the story before that, also 1 year apart... i guess it's kind of a yearly thing.. =)
Anyhoo, i here's another 1 of my experiences.. it's about the road signs u usually see next to highways.. yg basar ah yg ada label eg UBD, MUARA etc. Now im really into fishing, nda kira dmna and pkl brapa.. this incident happened when i was on my way back from 1 of my fishing trips. Aku masa tu mengail di Serasa dgn member2 ku lah, skalinya nda sdr2 pkl 3 pagi sudah. So i decided to go home, since my geng2 balum mau lagi balik.. lalah x ah, isuknya kraja lagi. Things were a bit bore on my way back home.. till i reached the UBD highway area.
Masa aku kn ampir the BIG GREEN SIGN yg ckp UBD n ITB, i saw a white figure sitting on top of it. Mcm guyang2 kaki main ayun2, tapi atas sign atu. Rmbutnya pnjang sampai menutup part the UBD label ah. Atu serius tarus ku driving.. ceramin rearview trus ku naikkan. Windows up and radio station trus ke urg mengaji and pedal to the metal (not really, but faster than i was going previously).
Reached home, took a very quick shower (angin pantai nda baik if mlm) and then trus melimpang. Amazingly, i dozed of rather easily... isuknya, drove back to the area just to make sure what i saw is real.. and it is.. coz the sign looked like any other signs on the road. Nothing on top of it..
Till next year.. or mebe next week =)

Haunted Room BY BUNGA

This is my first contribution to this favorite blog of mine. enjoy!

You see I'm a student living in a hostel so i'll share you an experience. well not mine, the boys.
this story happened like early 2011 (january). we hostelittes were busy preparing rooms for the juniors who were about to come in a few days ahead. there lies in the boys' hostel, a well known HAUNTED ROOM. the warden decided to open the 'haunted room' for the juniors lah. i know.. stupid kan? but maybe he doesnt know. at that time the warden and this religious student (prefek bahagian agama, a senior) buka the pintu and try try the ceiling fan, it wasnt working. so inda jadi putting the juniors there. PHEW~ what a relief. BUT this chinese boy (senior) who was standing nearby when the door of the haunted room was opened, felt a chill behind his neck..

Days have passed, the juniors came and were allocated according to their rooms. nothing happened.
this one night. the electricity in the boys' hostel was trapped without any sensible reason. the lights and fans weren't working. they've tried fixing it but no good news. they boys (especially the seniors) thought that this was typical. the scary part was that the lights in the haunted room were the only one that was ON!! them boys were freaked out and decided to sleep all in one room. HEHE cowards~ (well aku jua banarnya :b)

There lies story behind this incident:
Dulu, the boys' hostel used to be the girls punya but then bla bla bla, betukar tia jadi boys'. back then when the title haven't changed ada orang bunuh diri! a chinese girl hung herself arah kipas. so that explains why the kipas wasnt working in the story earlier. balik balik sudah electricians tried to fix the fan in "the room" but it turned out to be rusak bebalik. so no further attempts were made after that. if anyone tried to clean the room and make the beds, it will eventually kana bongkarkan balik without anyone entering the room. faham faham lah.. perhaps the incident about the electricity being trapped was a warning from the "chinese girl" so that nobody would disturb her room.
thats pretty much from me, i'll be back.

Rumah Sewa - Zeezohan

Cerita ani lama sudah inda pulang seram bnr. Our family had to moved to a rented bungalow for a while. I think we're the only muslim fam...