Saturday 22 August 2009

Boy At Cemetery BY JugHead

That afternoon, my friend was visiting a Chinese cemetery. Passing across the cemetery, he had to walk over some tombstones.
He said 'excuse me' when doing that. But returning home from the cemetery, strange things started to happen.
First, his dog was growling mad at him as if he was some stranger. Then that night, while playing his PlayStation, he heard a faint cry circling around his room. He was feeling uneasy but tried to ignore the cry. That same night, he had a weird dream. A pair of pale legs was shown to him.
But the creepiest bit was when he was driving through a dark highway. Suddenly the lamp posts were lit one by one as his car passed through.
When he glanced at the back, in the mirror, he saw the lamp posts were once again switched off. Then his girlfriend complained about feeling as if a small boy was with him. From then on, every night, he would have a dream. And it was always a dream about a person shown to him, slowly getting more detailed in each dream.Creeping slowly those dreams went from the lower limbs to the mid body and finally, the face. To his horror, it was a small boy who was all bruised up like this kid was in some sort of a freak accident. His lips were sewn up. My friend was in a major freak out of unease. All with the dog kept growling and whimpering, those nightmares and the little boy crying. With these endless horrors, he had to face his exam. He was a bit tensed up and tired. Tried to read but all the facts could not be digested. He closed his eyes to relax him out but all he could see were numbers. He had a feeling those were his book pages so proceeded to read them. And true enough, the exact topics came out in the exam. Despite the spirit being helpful, my friend still found help from a Chinese medium to rid the boy. Only then my friend remembered that he actually stepped onto some soil build up back at the cemetery without excusing himself. He actually almost tripped over it. He had to go back and put offerings to the now apparently, unattended tomb. Finally, my friend and his friendly ghost parted and they lived happily ever after. FIN


  1. And they lived happily ever after. Lol. :D -Michi

  2. i always have vision too b4 my enter d'examination hall..n i was popular among my friend for being a good witch they said..hehe i dont know how..its just a vision that cme across my mind..n its true..hehe i love dz gift;)-DQ


Rumah Sewa - Zeezohan

Cerita ani lama sudah inda pulang seram bnr. Our family had to moved to a rented bungalow for a while. I think we're the only muslim fam...