Sunday 10 October 2010

Creepy classroom BY Stanley614

hi askum this is my first time writing a ghost story at this blog hopefully u like it....

The story macam ane time aku form 2, 5 years of our school MIB teacher passed away few days ago n she was in her 30s. I don't know which teacher pasal form 1 we used to be in the afternoon class n not many teachers we part of the afternoon class. So after few days ia passed away atu i was having my IRK class, teacher ku time atu was teacher male namanya ckgu Zaki (bukan nama banar) he was as usual teaching us about ugama where suddenly ia diam and after 2 min of silence ia tnya the whole class that ada kami tecium bau perfume so we tried to smell tapi nda apa2 then kami cakap mana ada cikgu then his face berubah mcm woory and ia kluar dri the class to see outside mcm mencari orng tapi no one disana then ia msuk ke class liat sebalah window lagi sana pun nada apa2 then ia tnya lagi banar kah kamu nada tecium bau harum mayat...then there was a silence and people started focusing and trying to smell if ada bau then there it was ada bau kuat minyak harum..we tought ada student pkai kali but nada yang that time ada menspray minyak harum tau anything kami ane pun rasa takut lah kan panick lah so ckgu kami atu ckp ''eh inda apa lah maybe kamu ane ada pkai minyak harum''...sudah ia cakap mcm atu tediam tarus cikgu atu for 5 min ia diam saja and nda cakap apa2. Then ia suruh kami baca ayat Kursi and sambung blajar kami pun nda brapa ingau kan what happend and just terus kan what we did, after that we had another class and ckgu Zaki pun mngajar class lain...time kan balik abis dah skulah ada tia my frend cAmal ane looking for me..time atu aku sama my classmate cNurul and ia tanya Stan banar kah what happend in ur class?? aku blas lah apa kan hapen rah class ku? nda jua apa2...then cAmal ane ckp that ckgu Zaki ada gtau that ada something tadi dalam class i asked her to tell me what ckgu Zaki ada gtau rah class dorng so the story goes like this ckgu Zaki ada tcium bau harum bagas ada orng meningal..then ia mencari dri mana ada bau atu thats why ia mlar kluar masuk dari class looking for something sudah ia stop mencari few min later time ia ada ckap '' eh inda apa lah maybe kamu ane ada pakai minyak harum then ia tediam'' sal he saw di blakang class atu ada mayat bediri...sudah ku dngar atu i fell a chill in my spines takut ku tarus my heart lagi beating faster class mate ku cNurul ane pun mcm kan mngis jua pasal aku sama ia yg duduk blakang sekali ampir pintu n mayat atu pun bediri sana...then cAmal sambungnya cetany udah ckgu Zaki nampak mayat atu ia diam and membaca ayat kursi and then ia suruh kami pun untuk membaca udah atu mayat atu ilang....msa ane i still remeber how scared and berubah his face was when he smelled perfume atu...udah this inccident occur ia gtau priciple then the next day the whole school student and teachers kana suruh ke dewan untuk membaca surah yassin untuk ckgu MIB yg baru mengal atu. another reason why mayat atu ada di class kami saja sal class kami ane yg paling ujung sekali and disana atu selalu galap macam cahaya matahari tu nda sampai kesana..making the class scary, dark and creepy and reason nada cahaya matahari sampai ke class atu sal ada this very old and big pokok next to our class.. when aku in form 5 pokok atu kana cut and ada lagi storeynya tu...but will write in the next post nanti...till then enjoy.


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