Thursday 14 May 2009

Saturday Night BY -Lemon-

Salam everyone. it is my first time to share with u all about what my family, my relatives and me experienced pasal this 'being' ane. this story happened a few years ago. that night, i still remember it was saturday nite, my brothers and I stayed up late. i went to the toilet (nature call:p). all of the sudden, i heard birds chirpping as if it was morning time. after that, i checked my watch, it was 0115hrs and i said to myself it was weird, y'know, like birds chirping at early hour. i shrugged it off and went to bed. next morning, when we were having a breakfast, my big brother told us, that my brother A got fever. and we asked why. he said that my brother A heard birds chirping and curiousity was killing him dat time, he looked outside his window and he saw....a figure in white standing arh tempat jamuran, giving its back to him. he was shocked and went back to sleep. ketaguran nya org. this brother A of mine was mudah peliatan. there will be another story to be updated next time.

P/s: most people say if u hear birds chirping at wee hours, better watch out:p


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