Thursday, 12 May 2011

Si katuk BY Brunei girl

Salam :)
Eh, kamu pernah sadar kah? Kalau baru2 pindah ke rumah baru, macam ada2 saja terjadi? Maybe kalau kan di explain logically, we can say sebab ketani balum adjust arah kawasan atu, yetah lain rasanya. Tapi kadang2 kan, ada tia jua 'happenings' ani yang kan di explain dari mana2 angle pun, inda dapat ketani elak realitinya.

Dulu, masa kami baru pindah to this banglo, aku ingat a few things yang kerap berlaku.

Aku atu, baca komik dalam bilik mamaku sorang2. And after I was bored, aku keluar kan, kali ada tia my aunty ani (as in my mum punya cousin) tarus2 keluar dari bilik tamu. Muanya pucat,
"Ada orang katuk2 tabuk ah!"
She was saying to the ppl at the dining room.
Semua orang diam. Almaklum, it was quite late. Macam marijap jua.
Ia mcm hysterical sikit time atu, and ia lagi anu jenis relek, so of course we took her seriously. Kali my dad bawa my abang keluar, meliat mun ada banar orang capi2 di taman kami malam atu.
After a few minutes, durang datang balik and then, nada jelama.
"Banar! BANAR! Ada tadi!" nya my Aunty tapi after a while ia calm down sebab ia inda mau riuh jua.
Sebenarnya, time2 atu, mau dijadikan cerita pulang tu amongst kami adi-beradi. Especially me, sebab, if ada tah banar orang kan capi2 mengatuk2 tabuk malam2, alang-alang ia mengatuk tabuk bilik mamaku masa aku baca komik tadi. Tapi my parents jenisnya yang inda mau encourage membasar-basari barang2 cemani ani. Jadi kami semua diam2 saja. Until a few days pass and kami inda lagi ingat peristiwa ani.
One night, entah kenapa aku ani duduk dapan pintu bilik tamu. Dalam bilik tamu atu my adik dua orang, si Suze sama si Wan. Tangah malam sudah, tapi it was cuti jadi durang liat TV.
Kali masa aku duduk2 atu, aku dangar bunyi barang pacah. Nyaring banar, jadi aku toleh kebelakang, aku takut frame gambar belakang ani tegugur. Yang calinya, nada papa. Aku ani in the middle of looking for barang pacah atu kali adi-adiku ani belari arah ku, sorang2 pucat.
"Ka Elle ka Elle! ADA LAGI AH!" nya si Wan, arah ku, "Ada katuk2 lagi!"
Meliat mua durang pucat atu sudah ku tungkal, apa lagi masa ku dangar cakapnya atu.
"Bah bah lajutah masuk bilik babu!" nya ku, trying to be cool lah, mun aku pun freak out, menangis karang jadinya.
Jadi durang bagitau my mum. Mamaku mcm half awake masa atu so ia mcm "Ah baru kamu tau, pasal kamu akhir tidur tu!"
Jadi si Suze sama si Wan tarus tidur.
Malar si Katuk atu mengacau, ingat ku tu. Aku pun kana sekali, lagi bisai, masa aku duduk bawah tabuk atu jua.
Masa atu, barutah ku paham kenapa everyone mcm mental when it happens.
Aku atu liat TV sama adi2 ku.
It was at night, again. Very late.
Kali tabuk atu kana katuk mcm apa. Marijap. Macam, pernah kamu dangar burung melanggar dinding/pintu? (It happens ok) Yetah bunyinya tu. Tapi balik2! Mcm kan di pacah jua tabuk atu usulnya.
Sama jua macam masa kami baru pindah di rumah kami masa ani.
Kan aku sama sisters ku rapat. So sometimes sleepover arah bilik masing2.
Entah kenapa that night, aku ani tebangun tiba2.
Kali, ada orang mengatuk tabuk ku.
Tuk, tuk, tuk, halus ia mengatuk.
"Pssst~" nya jelama atu.
"Elle." Bisik kaka ku, yang baru ku sadar bangun jua masa atu.
"I know" ganya balas ku.
Lapastu kami diam sampai dua2 tertidur balik. Inda kami ungkit lagi kisah ani arah each other lapas malam atu.
Like the old house, after a while, si katuk inda lagi menjelma Allahamdullilah. Entah...mungkin ia atu kan cuba masuk tapi inda dapat? Wallahualam. Allah Maha mengetahui.

Assalamualaikum :)

BY iKen

It's been a while since i shared my experiences.. I think, between this and the last story, it was almost 1 year apart.. and the story before that, also 1 year apart... i guess it's kind of a yearly thing.. =)
Anyhoo, i here's another 1 of my experiences.. it's about the road signs u usually see next to highways.. yg basar ah yg ada label eg UBD, MUARA etc. Now im really into fishing, nda kira dmna and pkl brapa.. this incident happened when i was on my way back from 1 of my fishing trips. Aku masa tu mengail di Serasa dgn member2 ku lah, skalinya nda sdr2 pkl 3 pagi sudah. So i decided to go home, since my geng2 balum mau lagi balik.. lalah x ah, isuknya kraja lagi. Things were a bit bore on my way back home.. till i reached the UBD highway area.
Masa aku kn ampir the BIG GREEN SIGN yg ckp UBD n ITB, i saw a white figure sitting on top of it. Mcm guyang2 kaki main ayun2, tapi atas sign atu. Rmbutnya pnjang sampai menutup part the UBD label ah. Atu serius tarus ku driving.. ceramin rearview trus ku naikkan. Windows up and radio station trus ke urg mengaji and pedal to the metal (not really, but faster than i was going previously).
Reached home, took a very quick shower (angin pantai nda baik if mlm) and then trus melimpang. Amazingly, i dozed of rather easily... isuknya, drove back to the area just to make sure what i saw is real.. and it is.. coz the sign looked like any other signs on the road. Nothing on top of it..
Till next year.. or mebe next week =)

Haunted Room BY BUNGA

This is my first contribution to this favorite blog of mine. enjoy!

You see I'm a student living in a hostel so i'll share you an experience. well not mine, the boys.
this story happened like early 2011 (january). we hostelittes were busy preparing rooms for the juniors who were about to come in a few days ahead. there lies in the boys' hostel, a well known HAUNTED ROOM. the warden decided to open the 'haunted room' for the juniors lah. i know.. stupid kan? but maybe he doesnt know. at that time the warden and this religious student (prefek bahagian agama, a senior) buka the pintu and try try the ceiling fan, it wasnt working. so inda jadi putting the juniors there. PHEW~ what a relief. BUT this chinese boy (senior) who was standing nearby when the door of the haunted room was opened, felt a chill behind his neck..

Days have passed, the juniors came and were allocated according to their rooms. nothing happened.
this one night. the electricity in the boys' hostel was trapped without any sensible reason. the lights and fans weren't working. they've tried fixing it but no good news. they boys (especially the seniors) thought that this was typical. the scary part was that the lights in the haunted room were the only one that was ON!! them boys were freaked out and decided to sleep all in one room. HEHE cowards~ (well aku jua banarnya :b)

There lies story behind this incident:
Dulu, the boys' hostel used to be the girls punya but then bla bla bla, betukar tia jadi boys'. back then when the title haven't changed ada orang bunuh diri! a chinese girl hung herself arah kipas. so that explains why the kipas wasnt working in the story earlier. balik balik sudah electricians tried to fix the fan in "the room" but it turned out to be rusak bebalik. so no further attempts were made after that. if anyone tried to clean the room and make the beds, it will eventually kana bongkarkan balik without anyone entering the room. faham faham lah.. perhaps the incident about the electricity being trapped was a warning from the "chinese girl" so that nobody would disturb her room.
thats pretty much from me, i'll be back.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

terkezuts BY cicakboy

cerita in datangnya dari hidup seorang nelayan. cakap susah, berumah, cakap senang, kereta tiada. si nelayan tangkap ikan secara kecil-kecilan selalunya bekerja malam2. cakapnya masa tu ikan keluar berpesta. lagipun subuh2 nelayan lain datang. competition cakapnya.
satu malam ni, si nelayan pergi menagkap ikan. walau tak sedap hati kalau tak kerja, duit tak ada. hajat nak berkawan dengan si janda rumah sebelah, mesti ada standard sikitkan. si nelayan pun belepaslah ke laut atas perahunya yang kecil.ketika sibuk memukat si nelayan tidak sedar bahawa dia dibawa perlahan2 oleh laut dan dalam sibuknya juga, tidak ia sedar ada entiti lain sedang terbang2 giat menagkap ikan hanya guna tangan sahaja.seekor hantu. apa nak buat, malang tak berbau, kedua2 pamancing yg membalakangi pemancing yg lain pun terlangar. si nelayan terbaring di satu sudut dan si hantu tu terjatuh kedalam perahu nelayan itu di hujung yg lagi satu.
nelayan: aduhai... terlanggar batang pokok ke?
si nelayan pun duduk menegak dimana dia melihat hantu membalakanginya.
hantu tadi pun tanpa berpusing terus terbang hilang entah kemana manakala si nelayan terus mendayung bak seorang pelumba kayak menghampiri garisan penamat pergi balik ke rumahnya dan terus masuk tidur.
keesokan harinya, si nelayan memikirkan apa berlaku. fikir punya fikir si nelayan memutuskan untuk kembali bekerja malam tu jua. kerja mesti dibuat. duit mesti dicari. kali ini dia akan lebih peka jikalau hantu itu datang kembali. malam itu dengan ragu dihati si nelayan pergi bekerja. tapi malam itu, hantu tak muncul dan begitulah malam2 berikutnya.
seminggu sudah berlalu dan si nelayan lupa sudah insiden dengan hantu. padanya ia hanyalah kerana mindanya yang letih. ketika si nelayan asyiknya menarik habuannya malam itu; si hantu tiba2 muncul dibelakang si nelayan dan menepuk bahunya. si nelayan pun menoleh. sebelum si nelayan sempat menjerit, si hantu menutup mulut si nelayan dengan tangannya yg busuk seperti bau ikan lalu berkata....
"yo bro, apasal jerit minggu lalu? terkezut aku sampai damam seminggu"
hehehehe. dari dulu sampai sekarang cerita2 yg di sampaikan semuanya bertemakan seram. sampai ada yg tidur malam buka lampu. not all hantu seram so this time i added a little comedy.
moral of the story: takut2 kita pada hantu, takut lagi hantu kat kita. jangan lupa tu.
have a nice day. XD

Playtime with Toyol BY Cicakboy

This happened 4 years ago when I was still in form 5. I was the first to wake up every morning and when everyone is still taking turns to use the shower, I had already eaten my breakfast and ready for school. I was sitting next to an open window, staring at the wall into emptiness. I was thinking about my future in life, what I will do after O levels, will I survived A levels and which university should I go to.

Something in the reflection of the open window attracted my attention. The reflection shows a tree in my yard and it was shaking vigorously yet there was hardly a breeze that morning. Like the old saying, ‘jika tiada angin, masakan pokok begoyang’ (if there is no wind, the tree won’t shake which means there’s a cause behind every incident). I got up from my seat and stand in front of the open window trying to find why the tree was shaking. My first guess ranges from a bird, a squirrel and a monkey but to my horror and disbelieve, I saw a Toyol.

Those of you that do not know what a toyol is, it is a supernatural creature raised by humans to steal money and important documents in exchange for blood which is milked from the toes of the owner of the toyol. It took the appearance of a child wearing nothing but a loincloth with a greenish body, bald, pointed yellow teeth and glowing red eyes with small yellow pupils, almost similar to the stereotype image of an alien.

Knowing what the toyol is meant to do, I think he is off duty as it seems as innocently as any child, he is playing around in my yard, running around the tree beating it with a stick that its holding. I was in a trance, not sure how I should react to the situation so I just watched. Everything was fine in a way but then we made eye contact. It dropped the stick it’s holding while I started to perspire but our eye contact remained frozen. I blinked and rubbed my eyes denying what I am seeing and when I looked up, it wasn’t there.

A relieved sigh escaped me but before the feeling could sink in, the banana tree which is a few meters away from the tree before and closer to the house no start shaking and the toyol’s head popped out from behind the banana tree, staring at me. This time I decided to do the same and stare back right into its eyes. The staring contest went on for 2 minutes or so and the toyol stepped out into the open, just standing next to the tree. By this time, my courage was running low and guess what the toyol did that completely dried up that little amount of courage left? He pulled up the widest smile revealing those pointed yellow teeth and waved at me signaling me to come to him. I freaked out and ran to get my parents. They didn’t believe me and when I went back, it has disappeared.

the village tree BY Cicakboy

i was cleaning my room, looking through some of my old stuff and i came across a paper. it's my very first ghost story, written when i was 12 i think. so nostalgic. i'm a bit embarassed but here it is. i edited some so it wont be as childish.
there was a tree beside a road that had survived for many generations. decades passed and yet it still stand tall and mighty. the tree had gathered some supernatural reputation throughout those years and my experience will add to it. it was said that during a war, a woman was betrayed by her fellow friends, she was raped and then brutally murdered under that tree. before she died, with her last breath she swore that she will forever haunt that tree as a reminder that no human should be trusted. that was what i heard but i never did believed the story, not till that night.
it was around 9pm, i had tuition class at a friend's house. every thursdays i had to go there so im accustomed to the night but little do i know, that night was different. it seem like it was going to rain so i decided to take a shortcut; an old narrow road where the tree was situated. when the tree came into view, i felt chills down my spine, my hands feel numb and my steps feels heavier. the aura that tree give just feels wrong. i tried to distract myself by remembering what i learned during tuition but the more i tried the more i cant shake the feeling that someone was watching me. i've tried not to look up at the tree the whole time but when im directly infront of the tree, the urge was overwhelming that i slowly and stupidly looked up, knowing exactly where to look. there she was, sitting on a branch gazing right back at me.
i was petrified at first then i scrambled to run for dear life. i think the fear mess with my brain a little because after a few steps, i stopped, picked up a stone and threw it at that thing. suprisingly it hit her and she fell. guess what? turns out it was another villager trying to prank anyone who walked there. i was laughing and he was laughing as it was kinda silly for him to be all the way up there just to pull off a prank. i decided to invite him over to my house to tend to his wounds. as we were leaving, i asked him if he was alone in doing that prank and he nodded. i decided to looked at the tree one last time before i leave. my fear came back but not like before, now it's pure terror. if the one pranking was alone and he is next to me; who's up there?
the end
lol, yea, clearly fictional and i used to liked hanging endings. be nice; its an old story from a young me.

Starts from the toilet BY Abee

Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant time on this site I greet you.

This is my first time posting but I enjoyed reading stories cuz membari kambang bulu and ada jua yang cali usulnya =P So here goes...

The story happened back when I was in darjah 4, or year 4 as you call it, in 2003. Batah sudah pulang but I can still remember clearly. The previous day, we were talking about this haunted toilet near a banana tree yang ada "thing"nya atulah at our private school located in Berakas (kamu carilah hehe). Then I started talking that I saw a hand, bloody, in the toilet, just to scare my friends. Masih damit jua durang so they trust me lah =P especially when my story sounded so vivid. I grinned in disguise.

So the next morning, I was about to go to school with my dad driving. It was 5.30am (cause my friends compete siapa awal datang skulah, usually by around 6 lah.) and I took the key for our new car and started the engine. The volume of Pelangi FM boomed suddenly but I just think lupa kali eh babah matikan radio ah... then I reduced the volume, on aircond, and lied on the backseat.

Then I have the urge to look out the car window to look for my dad since he hadn't got into the car cuz I don't wanna lose =P But from an angle below the window, I suddenly saw a hand, inda besambung, floating, touching the car window, from the front to the rear. As what a normal kid would do, I abruptly hid down the car sofa and shakingly tuned to the 24hr quran reciting radio. When I dared myself to look up the window again, the hand was gone and I could clearly see my siblings are still conversing in the living room, which is quite far from the garage, and thus impossible for one of them to do the trick. Out of fear, I just kept quiet about that incident and told people around me the next day. And no, I wasn't lying this time =P

And so, today, the haunted banana tree had been cut down by the school's maintainer and there had been more ghostly feeling since.
Iatah mulut atu jangan cabul mun kan becali =DD

Thursday, 10 February 2011

DUET by Cicak Boy

hey y'all, it's me again cicakboy. i've noticed that in my stories i have alot of spelling errors. i write my stories on the spot and i didn't have the intention span to check my story. XP just bare with the typos apa.
this incident happen on chinese new year morning. me and my two other buddies were at a famous hiking site. just us boys. kami di sana around 7 am and half way done at 7.40 am. since my other two friends 1st time hiking at this place i was at the back, so that i could watch over them incase ada tertinggal. its been awhile since i last hike there jua so kami tiga2 semput.
i am to a certain degree is gifted with supernatural senses and boy did my sensor went of being at the back of the group but as most of u guys know udah, better ignore it. kita tak kacau ia, ia tak kacau kita. i think i was the only 1 feeling the stalker's presence. at first yes it was disturbing but i manage to ignore it as it seem to ikut hiking saja. but something did happen, mun inda, inda tia i crita disini heheh.
we came to a checkpoint where ada kerusi but we just moved on. i was singing 'gerimis di lautan' by sudirman. (i like sudirman's songs).
me: (dengan sumbangnya menyanyi) "gerimis di lautan, mendayung sampan ke kuala, mendayung sampan ke kuala, pada rembulan pungguk merayu"
friend A: aku hairanlah, kenapa orang yang sumbang sja yang selalu menyanyi?
friend B: biarlah, inda jua sunyi banar kita hiking ani.
me: ignoring my friend's sindiran continue singing," menangis kesiangan....."
suara lembut dari belakang: menanggung rindu pada si dia.... menaggung rindu pada si dia.....
my friends and i turn around simultaneously, afraid. we saw a girl in white sitting on the bench arah checkpoint a2, alone. rambutnya panjang menutup muka memandang ke sisi. we all know very well who or what that is. jaraknya kira2 sembilan ke sepuluh langkah dari kami.
friend A: kamu nampak apa aku nampak?
i think friend B replied half choking, half gulping. i have this bright idea and continue singing. "apalah guna kebendang, padi seberang takkan menjadi..." i was singing in a very low tone almost whispering and ten steps is usually outside the hearing range of humans. but she obviously heard it and we saw her lips moved and more surprising, we all heard her voice, " apa guna hatinya orang, kasihnya orang orang tak sudi...." and maybe its my imagination but i saw a smile formed on those singing lips.
we did any normal people would do, we ran. finished the rest of the track in record time i might add. it may be awhile before we use taht track or even go hiking at that place again in a while.
moral of the story: ghost likes sudirman jua. XP

Yetah jangan setaie by Brunei Girl

Hi again. Sorry, I've been busy :|

Anyway, I would like to share some 'kisah teladan'-s haha.

So this one's according to a relative of mine, let's call her 'K' who used to be able to 'see'. In one of my previous posts, I explained the theories one of my IRK teachers discussed about the ability to 'see' beings from the other realm. So, K would be one of those people who might have inherited a certain 'friend' from one of our ancestors thus granting her the ability to see. However as I also mentioned in said post, K had lost her ability when she reached a certain age and sort of start sembahyang thus the 'friend' inda lagi attached to her lah.

Anyway, so this was a time when she still had this ability.

So, remember Hami? The incorrigible cousin who asked Suze whether she could see the Ponti smiling at them through the window from a previous post? Yeah, this is a story about him. Ia setaie. Again.

Right, so this was again at my Nini's house and it might have been another 'ngaji' night or a family gathering, whichever. K was watching TV in the common area upstairs, minding her own business. This was when she heard the kids (they're teens now but whatever) fussing in front of my Nini's door. By the time K told me this story, I knew where it was going as she had previously shared her own experience of what she 'met' in that room.

Basically, one night. Our grandma suruh panggil our nini right and K went and walked into the room. She saw our nini praying... only to realise after a while that it wasn't our nini. It was just a 'being' praying on my nini's mat. K decided that it was harmless as she only noticed this being to only do that in that room. Just sembahyang on my nini's mat.

Back to the main story.

So the kids were sibuk2 right. And K realised that one of the kids, let's call him P, was quite upset. All K could make out of his speech was;

"Tu...tu.. dalam bilik nini ah" he repeated over and over, near to tears.

K didn't really do anything about it. Perhaps P was just freaked out that he saw something. I've heard P's mum mention about P and his older brother 'spotting' things since they were younger so it wasn't news to me. I think there's a variation in tolerance for people with these things. Like K, she used to have sort of an immunity to it. But after ia sembahyang sudah apa, she lost that ability & I realise when she returned for summer holidays, even she was freaked out a few times mun 'teliat' or 'tedangar' stuff since her room was empty all the while she was away to study dulu.

Sorry, digressing saja.

So, P was clearly upset.

And in comes Hami, his chest puffed up, a setaie (then) 12 year old, looking down at P,

"MANA? MANA?" nya si Hami, tagapkan nya lagi badannya tu, looking down at P. The little boy, rubbing his eyes, pointed to my Nini's room.

K described how Hami was even strutting into that room, followed by a trail of kids.

He came back out. Quiet. And pale.

K had a good laugh hehe. Whatever that Hami had seen, clearly drove the setaie out of him. K shared this story with the lesson that we shouldn't be sombong about these things. Banar jua tu, akhirnya Allah s.w.t. jua saja yang Maha berkuasa inda ja?

Another one. Short lah, I don't want to waste people's time.

So my Bibi told me the story which has the same 'teladan' as it were haha.

This should eradicate a misconception everybody has about Ramadan. Did you know, during the holy month of Ramadan, yang kana chain up and thrown into the depths of the sea atu, are the setans? Of course, of course. People are aware of this. But what ppl have persisted to believe is that this includes Djins. No. This is wrong.

Even in surah An-nas, in the last verse, indicates how we are on the same page. In that we are created to worship God. It is just that humans always seek the help of Djins and Devils (HUGEEE sin btw) that we merge these two beings into one-which creates confusion. There is also surah Al-Jinn indicating that the same benefits lay on the other side for those among their kind who believe in the right path. Like humans, there are good djins and there are bad ones. But either way, we should avoid associating ourselves with their kind as interaction between the two realms might lead each kind astray. Wallahua'lam.

Anyway. The story goes like this.

My Bibi was indignant on going to the surau to sembahyang magrib there right after sungkai. Her mother cakap, sembahyang magrib di rumah saja and then she can go Isya and subsequently terawih afterwards in the surau. Well, I think my bibi's mom had a point. Neither of them are wrong here but what my bibi's mom suggested was much more convenient and my bibi could still terawih eventually that night. Besides, practicing religion should not be a burden.

But yetahkan, my bibi was setaie. She tacitly agreed jua that when she told us this story.

So in this quest of setaie-ness, she dragged her younger sister along.

Off they went in twilight, walking in the dimming day on a barren road to the surau. Along this path, was a big tree. I think, I thinkkk it's what our folks call 'pokok ara-ara'? Very spooky looking tree that literally looks like a candid capture of a heavy metal head in the middle of a serious head banging session. Of course me being weird, secretly find this pokok sort of lawa.

So anyway. Bibi was walking to the surau when something literally jumped into view and stood before her.

My bibi was dead shocked.

The creature, tinggi, with an indescribably ugly face, stared her down. She froze. Gila, I honestly would've wet myself 'cause the way she described it to, writing this myself, I have goosebumps. The being was massive, betaring, rambutnya kusut and it was just staring my bibi down. Nya my bibi, she literally couldn't move then. Because one, that thing was in front of her and two, she just couldn't. What freaked me out most was that it was just her and her lil sister. Two girls with no one else around on that barren road.

Mcm O_O

And she told us that adiknya, perhaps not having seen what she saw, froze too. They held hands and bibi wouldn't let her go. And since they were near that tree, unlike me, the adik didn't take a while to do the math. She knew that my bibi was looking at something and that something was in their way.

I am not quite clear what happened next.

But my bibi knew better than to go out for a stroll during twilight.

Assalamualaikum :)

THE NEW BUILDING by cicak boy

before i start my story, i have been talking with my seniors about this blog and an advice came to me that i havn't been doing. it just occured to me that using any location's names is bad for its publicity and using it in a story such as ghost stories is just giving it a bad name. so to clearify things up, all the previous names i've used before is just for scenary purposes. wheather it's real or not; i leave for you to decide. i also apologize to the owners of the places so don't sue me! DX heheh. another lesson thought in life. anyway, lets get the story started.
this story takes place at sekolah..... umm..... 1 of the top private schools. aparently they had an extra building that was left alone 4 more than 5 years and was only put to use recently. tau2 lah mun dah building batah inda bepakai, mesti ada penghuni kan? here's the thing, they started using the building without any doa or yassin or whatever. ustaznya holiday kali masih.
the 1st incident happen to a little girl that is in darjah 4 or year 4 the new system call it. at first the lesson was going on like normal, teacher syok sendiri mengajar di depan, students senyum2 buat2 faham. then this girl, ira (bukan nama sebenar), suddenly looks pale, sweating, closing her ears. the teacher thought ira is just being a regular student, trying to distract herself from boredom. it was history class, what do you expect. XP anyway the teacher continued the lesson while keeping an eye on ira. she now started weeping. then saying "diam.....diam" and not long she sat on the floor, both ears closed, eyes squint and start screaming. then you know the drill, everyone panicked, teacher call for backup, medics came. everything under control. when ira came through she was ask what happened. " ira dengar ada banyak orang panggil nama ira, bising, semua keliling ira and panggil nama ira kuat-kuat tapi ira inda nampak orang"
the 2nd incident happen to one of the teachers. the next day after the 1st incident. the teachers were at their staffroom doing their own thing. one teacher suddenly heard ada orang baca surah dan ayat lazim Al-Quran. she thought its the radio coz it sounded loud but distant and coming from a corner behind another teacher. after an hour or so, the bacaan stop. "knapa ditutup radio ah? kan bisai udah bacaan ayat2 lazim a2?" the other teachers looked at her.
"radio apa kebenda nya ni?"
the teacher thought her friends main2 kan ia so she insisted further, " yang ada channel bacaan surah2 a2"
"mana ada, dari tadi sunyi jua sja"
the teacher get up to the corner to see for herself. no radio.
she sat back, shocked. ran out of the staffroom to see both clases next door. empty.
went back to her seat. shocked.
3rd scenario. basically the guard chase after someone who dissapear at a dead end. malas kan cerita udah. the next day the whole school did that yassin thing to purify the ground.
this story is not that scary, and its not the reason i shared it with you guys. i wrote this to show that all this can be avoided if the bacaan was done early. prevention is better than cure.
ill scare you guys next time. XD

Sunday, 16 January 2011

She was laughing really loud BY 3rdNabillah.

So my story goes as such, it happened a few years back that I can't exactly remember. So I'll tell it as how I think it went. Ghost stories aren't pleasant to keep in mind, so I hope this one doesn't creep you out much. I was at my grandma's house in Serasa. It's quite an old house and behind it is the forest.. so is the front but across the road. I've heard my cousins that live there tell me quite a number of ghost stories that they've experienced but this one scared me a lot. So it went like this:

My cousin was walking out his room on the second floor and his little sister, probably around three years old, was standing out there and calling his name. She started running and so he tried chasing her. She ran so fast that he could barely catch up. She was laughing really loud while running too. Then she ran into a room, quite small, and closed the door. He tried opening the door but it was locked and tried calling the name of his younger sister to make her open the door but yet the door didn't open. So he gave up and went downstairs to watch TV. On his way walking down the stairs.. right there, he saw his younger sister sitting in front of the TV with everyone else. He went back up stairs to check the room that his, "younger sister" ran into and guess what? The door was open wide.


This incident happened last year arah giant. Tau giant dimanakan? Arah Rimba. Kami sekeluarga ke giant masa atu kan do our monthly shopping. Beli keperluan rumah. I was there with my youngest who was ten years old at the toys section. After meliat the crappy quality of the toys there, my adik ani kan jalan meliat some other section. I let him go but I stayed to further observe the crappiness of the toys there. From what I remember, my brother went left then he appear again but from the right. “ah, ia pusing tu,” bisik hatiku.

After habis meliat the toys, aku jalan ke arah tempat jual wax rambut. Hairannya my brother inda banyak bising, usually nya lincah ia ani. Slalunya mun bejalan with my brother, I hold his hand so I did. I was so cold. I tried to talk to him but no answer and I never bother to look at his face like really looked. Along the way people were staring at me and my brother looking creep out but I just ignore them and continue the one way conversation with my brother.

After reaching the junction guess who I saw coming out from the cookies section? My little brother with the rest of my family. Jadi siapatah the one I have my hands tied with ani? I got scared, let go of my hand and walk towards my family. When I turned, no one was there but I can still feel the chill on my hands.

Bt.Sibanging BY Lynn

hey guys. Just wana share alil bit of my story. Cmani...

Masa tu malam jumaat. Kami ni bekumpul2 ramai2 di rumah sama cuzen2, saja ramai2 makan2. It was 12am masatu. Kami ni macam nda sadar ni bekaroke sampai menyubuh. Lmy grandma balik2 sudah menagur. "eh,sudah tah eh.. Macam inda beisuk kamu ani.." kami buat nada saja hehe. Sudah nyaman bekaroke, dalam pukul 3am kali tu, nampak kami urang tua bini2 bejalan membawa bakul. Kami perhati kan saja. Inda berani kami menagur. Inda jua masuk akal tu ia kan bejalan subuh2. Cuzen ku sorang ni cabul mulut nya. Nya, "ni..apa kita bawa ah..." kami ni diam saja. Ku cubit ia kuat2. Nini atu mbawa bakul,macam mbawa bunga2an jua. Yatah branti nini atu kan. Bongkok lagi tu. Udah tu, menoleh tia nini ani. Udah kami nampak muka nya.. Subahanallah.. Nada mata, nada idung, nada mulut. Rata bah! Lusir kami atu.. Tuhan saja tau hehe. Udah esuk nya, semua kami damam hehe. Yatah nah, ketulahan nda dangar cakap nin. Sorry ni ;) hehe..

Rumah Sewa - Zeezohan

Cerita ani lama sudah inda pulang seram bnr. Our family had to moved to a rented bungalow for a while. I think we're the only muslim fam...